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sâmbătă, 13 mai 2017

Tonight: Grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017!

The night is finally here! The grand final of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest takes place this evening in which a total of 26 countries will be competing to be crowned the winner of this year’s competition. Where will we be flying to in 2018?

How to watch

The grand final of the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest will air from 21:00 CEST on the following channels:

Grand final is here!

vineri, 8 aprilie 2016

Running order of the Semi-Finals revealed

eurovision semi-final order 2016 sweeden

The running order of the Semi-Finals of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest has been unveiled by Host Broadcaster SVT. Following the same format that has been in place since 2013, producers decided the running order to ensure that each song stands out and to create a more exciting television show. The decision was approved by the EBU Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand and the Chairman of the Reference Group, Dr. Frank Dieter Freiling.

After the producers reviewed all entries, the following running order was decided on for the Semi-Finals in 2016:

Semi-Final 1

1. Finland

2. Greece

3. Moldova

4. Hungary

5. Croatia

6. The Netherlands

7. Armenia

8. San Marino

9. Russia

10. Czech Republic

11. Cyprus

12. Austria

13. Estonia

14. Azerbaijan

15. Montenegro

16. Iceland

17. Bosnia & Herzegovina

18. Malta

Semi-Final 2

1. Latvia

2. Poland

3. Switzerland

4. Israel

5. Belarus

6. Serbia

7. Ireland

8. FYR Macedonia

9. Lithuania

10. Australia

11. Slovenia

12. Romania

13. Bulgaria

14. Denmark

15. Ukraine

16. Norway

17. Georgia

18. Albania

19. Belgium

vineri, 26 februarie 2016

Eurovision Moldova 2016, a 2 a semifinala

eurovision moldova 2016 semifinala
  1. Lidia Isac
  2. Nadia Moşneagu
  3. Max Fall feat Dan Vozniuc & Malloy
  4. Cristina Pintilie
  5. Rodica şi Ivan Aculov
  6. Big Flash Sound 
  7. Andrei Ioniţă & Onoffrei
sunt norocoşii finalişti desemnaţi în urma televotingului şi notelor juriului în cadrul celei de-a doua semifinale naţionale Eurovision 2016. Show-ul LIVE a fost transmis, în direct, la Moldova 1, Radio Moldova Actualităţi, Radio Moldova Muzical, Radio Moldova Tineret şi pe portalul TRM.MD.

Cel de-al 8-lea finalist urmează să fie desemnat în urma unui televoting, care va fi deschis pe parcursul dezbaterilor post-Eurovision de la Moldova 1. Astfel din cei cinci concurenți doar unul va fi salvat. Diana Brescan, Felicia Dunaf, Anna Gulko, Beatrice, Vitalie Todiraşcu mai au o șansă să intre în marea finală Eurovision 2016.

miercuri, 24 februarie 2016